Contact information Name Email Phone Choose your services Make a 1st choice Medi FacialLaser Hair RemovalIpl PhotorejuvinationMicrodermabrasionWaxing Hair RemovalMicro-Nano-NeedlingRF MicroneedlingDermaplaningIntimate Skin LighteningHydra FacialHIFURF Face LiftingMatrigen Bio Microneedling OxyGeneo Super FacialUltrasonic Spatula Scrubber FacialDeep Moisturizing Oxygen TreatmentVitamin C Anti-Pigmentation FacialAcne Healing FacialDeep Moisturizing and Collagen Stimulation FacialIPL Anti-Aging PhotoFacial with Oxygen infusionDeep pore Cleansing FacialHydraFacial with Oxygen InfusionRF Microneedling - Skin TighteningMicrodermabrasion FaceDermaplaning BrazilianFrench BrazilianButtocs CreaseExtended BikiniFull BrazilianUnderarmsNipplesBelly LineFull FaceNeckUpper Lip + ChinSideburnsLow Legs Up to the KneeLow Legs include KneeFeet and ToesFull LegsUpper LegsKneeHalf ArmsFull ArmsHands and FingersFull Arms + Hands and FingersUpper ArmUpper BackUpper Back and ShouldersLow BackMedium BackFull BackFull Back + ShouldersUpper ChestFull ChestShouldersFull BellyLow Belly IPL Photorejuvination FaceIPL PhotoFacial Face with Oxygen infusionIPL Face & Neck PhotorejuvinationIPL Photorejuvination Face + Neck with Oxygen infusionIPL PhotoFacial Face + Neck + DecolleteIPL PhotoFacial Face + Neck + Decollete with Oxygen infusionIPL PhotoFacial HandsIPL PhotoFacial Face + DermaplaningIPL PhotoFacial Face + Neck + DermaplaningIPL PhotoFacial Face + Dermaplaning with Oxygen infusionIPL PhotoFacial Face + Neck + Dermaplaning with Oxygen infusionIPL PhotoFacial Face + MicrodermabrasionIPL PhotoFacial Face + Microdermabrasion with Oxygen infusionIPL PhotoFacial Face + Neck + MicrodermabrasionIPL PhotoFacial Face + Neck + Microdermabrasion with Oxygen infusionIPL PhotoFacial Face + Neck + Decollete + MicrodermabrasionIPL PhotoFacial Face + Neck + Decollete + Microdermabrasion with Oxygen infusionIPL PhotoFacial Face + HydraFacialIPL PhotoFacial Face + HydraFacial with Oxygen infusionIPL PhotoFacial Face + Neck + HydraFacialIPL PhotoFacial Face + Neck + HydraFacial with Oxygen infusionIPL PhotoFacial Face + Neck + Decollete + HydraFacialIPL PhotoFacial Face + Neck + Decollete + HydraFacial with Oxygen infusion Microdermabrasion FaceMicrodermabrasion Face + NeckMicrodermabrasion Face + Neck + DecolleteMicrodermabrasion Face + IPL PhotoFacial treatmentMicrodermabrasion Face + Neck + IPL PhotoFacial treatmentMicrodermabrasion Face + Neck + Decollete + IPL PhotoFacial treatmentMicrodermabrasion Face + DermaplaningMicrodermabrasion Face + Dermaplaning with Oxygen infusion BrazilianFrench (leave a strip)Reg. Bikini (just the sides)Full LegsLow LegsUpper LegsBack and ShouldersLower backFull ArmsHalf ArmsUnderarmsLip or ChinEyebrow ShapingFull FaceStomachChestChest and StomachButtoksBrazilian + Full LegsBrazilian + Low LegsBrazilian + Under Arms BB Glow TreatmentPink Glow Treatment RF Microneedling For Hair Growth With Hyaloronic Acid CocktailRF Microneedling face with Hyaluronic Acid infusion, Greenness Mesoheal mask and SerumRF Microneedling face with Hyaluronic Acid and Oxygen infusion, Greenness Mesoheal mask and SerumRF Microneedling face + IPL PhotoFacial treatment with Hyaluronic Acid infusion, Greenness Beta-Glucan mask and SerumRF Microneedling neck + IPl Photofacial treatment neck with Hyaluronic Acid and Oxygen infusion, Greenness Deep moisturizer , Anti-Aging masks and Serum Dermaplaning faceDermaplaning With Oxygen InfusionDermaplaning + HydraFacialDermaplaning + HydraFacial With Oxygen InfusionDermaplaning + MicrodermabrasionDermaplaning + Microdermabrasion With Oxygen InfusionDermaplaning + IPL PhotoFacialDermaplaning + IPL PhotoFacial With Oxygen Infusion UnderarmExtended bikiniButtocs CreaseBrazilianInner thighsKnees or elbowHandsButtocs Cheeks HydraFacial faceHydraFacial face + Oxygen infusionHydraFacial Face +IPl PhotoFacial treatmentHydraFacial Face + IPL Photofacial treatment +Oxygen infusion HIFU Skin-Tightening treatment Eyebrows and Eyes with Oxygen infusionHIFU Skin -Tightening treatment for Chin and Jawline with Oxygen infusionHIFU Skin -Tightening treatment for Face With Oxygen infusionHIFU Skin -Tightening treatment for Face and Neck with Oxygen infusion RF Full Face Lifting and Oxygen InfusionRF Full Face Lifting with IPL and Oxygen InfusionRF Eyebrow, Forehead Lifting and Ultrasound Wrinkle TreatmentRF Lifting treatment for Chin and Jawline with Oxygen infusionRF Full Face and Neck Lifting treatment with Oxygen InfusionRF Full Face and Neck Lifting treatment with IPL and Oxygen Infusion Matrigen Bio Microneedling - 1 sessionMatrigen Bio Microneedling - 3 sessions Make a 2nd choice —Please choose an option—Medi FacialLaser Hair RemovalIpl PhotorejuvinationMicrodermabrasionWaxing Hair RemovalMicro-Nano-NeedlingRF MicroneedlingDermaplaningIntimate Skin LighteningHydra FacialHIFURF Face LiftingMatrigen Bio Microneedling OxyGeneo Super FacialUltrasonic Spatula Scrubber FacialDeep Moisturizing Oxygen TreatmentVitamin C Anti-Pigmentation FacialAcne Healing FacialDeep Moisturizing and Collagen Stimulation FacialIPL Anti-Aging PhotoFacial with Oxygen infusionDeep pore Cleansing FacialHydraFacial with Oxygen InfusionRF Microneedling - Skin TighteningMicrodermabrasion FaceDermaplaning BrazilianFrench BrazilianButtocs CreaseExtended BikiniFull BrazilianUnderarmsNipplesBelly LineFull FaceNeckUpper Lip + ChinSideburnsLow Legs Up to the KneeLow Legs include KneeFeet and ToesFull LegsUpper LegsKneeHalf ArmsFull ArmsHands and FingersFull Arms + Hands and FingersUpper ArmUpper BackUpper Back and ShouldersLow BackMedium BackFull BackFull Back + ShouldersUpper ChestFull ChestShouldersFull BellyLow Belly IPL Photorejuvination FaceIPL PhotoFacial Face with Oxygen infusionIPL Face & Neck PhotorejuvinationIPL Photorejuvination Face + Neck with Oxygen infusionIPL PhotoFacial Face + Neck + DecolleteIPL PhotoFacial Face + Neck + Decollete with Oxygen infusionIPL PhotoFacial HandsIPL PhotoFacial Face + DermaplaningIPL PhotoFacial Face + Neck + DermaplaningIPL PhotoFacial Face + Dermaplaning with Oxygen infusionIPL PhotoFacial Face + Neck + Dermaplaning with Oxygen infusionIPL PhotoFacial Face + MicrodermabrasionIPL PhotoFacial Face + Microdermabrasion with Oxygen infusionIPL PhotoFacial Face + Neck + MicrodermabrasionIPL PhotoFacial Face + Neck + Microdermabrasion with Oxygen infusionIPL PhotoFacial Face + Neck + Decollete + MicrodermabrasionIPL PhotoFacial Face + Neck + Decollete + Microdermabrasion with Oxygen infusionIPL PhotoFacial Face + HydraFacialIPL PhotoFacial Face + HydraFacial with Oxygen infusionIPL PhotoFacial Face + Neck + HydraFacialIPL PhotoFacial Face + Neck + HydraFacial with Oxygen infusionIPL PhotoFacial Face + Neck + Decollete + HydraFacialIPL PhotoFacial Face + Neck + Decollete + HydraFacial with Oxygen infusion Microdermabrasion FaceMicrodermabrasion Face + NeckMicrodermabrasion Face + Neck + DecolleteMicrodermabrasion Face + IPL PhotoFacial treatmentMicrodermabrasion Face + Neck + IPL PhotoFacial treatmentMicrodermabrasion Face + Neck + Decollete + IPL PhotoFacial treatmentMicrodermabrasion Face + DermaplaningMicrodermabrasion Face + Dermaplaning with Oxygen infusion BrazilianFrench (leave a strip)Reg. Bikini (just the sides)Full LegsLow LegsUpper LegsBack and ShouldersLower backFull ArmsHalf ArmsUnderarmsLip or ChinEyebrow ShapingFull FaceStomachChestChest and StomachButtoksBrazilian + Full LegsBrazilian + Low LegsBrazilian + Under Arms BB Glow TreatmentPink Glow Treatment RF Microneedling For Hair Growth With Hyaloronic Acid CocktailRF Microneedling face with Hyaluronic Acid infusion, Greenness Mesoheal mask and SerumRF Microneedling face with Hyaluronic Acid and Oxygen infusion, Greenness Mesoheal mask and SerumRF Microneedling face + IPL Photofacial treatment with Hyaluronic Acid infusion, Greenness Beta-Glucan mask and SerumRF Microneedling neck + IPl Photofacial treatment neck with Hyaluronic Acid and Oxygen infusion, Greenness Deep moisturizer , Anti-Aging masks and Serum Dermaplaning faceDermaplaning With Oxygen InfusionDermaplaning + HydraFacialDermaplaning + HydraFacial With Oxygen InfusionDermaplaning + MicrodermabrasionDermaplaning + Microdermabrasion With Oxygen InfusionDermaplaning + IPL PhotoFacialDermaplaning + IPL PhotoFacial With Oxygen Infusion UnderarmExtended bikiniButtocs CreaseBrazilianInner thightsKnees or elbowHandsButtocs Cheeks HydraFacial faceHydraFacial face + Oxygen infusionHydraFacial Face +IPl Photofacial treatmentHydraFacial Face + IPL Photofacial treatment +Oxygen infusion HIFU Skin-Tightening treatment Eyebrows and Eyes with Oxygen infusionHIFU Skin -Tightening treatment for Chin and Jawline with Oxygen infusionHIFU Skin -Tightening treatment for Face With Oxygen infusionHIFU Skin -Tightening treatment for Face and Neck with Oxygen infusion RF Full Face Lifting and Oxygen InfusionRF Full Face Lifting with IPL and Oxygen InfusionRF Eyebrow, Forehead Lifting and Ultrasound Wrinkle TreatmentRF Lifting treatment for Chin and Jawline with Oxygen infusionRF Full Face and Neck Lifting treatment with Oxygen InfusionRF Full Face and Neck Lifting treatment with IPL and Oxygen Infusion Matrigen Bio Microneedling - 1 sessionMatrigen Bio Microneedling - 3 sessions Select an appointment 1st time option 2nd time option 3rd time option