Green Leaf Medi Spa

IPL PhotoFacial

There are a few cosmetic and medical treatments out there that offer a myriad of skin solutions in one neat package. One that is gaining popularity among the health-conscious set is intense pulsed light (IPL) Photorejuvenation. IPL Photorejuvenation is a gentle, non-invasive treatment that improves the appearance of sun-damaged skin, removes age spots, most benign brown pigments and redness caused by broken blood capillaries. It can be tailored to your individual condition and skin type, providing optimal cosmetic results and satisfaction.

DermaLase IPL Machine

Green Leaf Medi Spa uses DermaLase, the name most recognized for its effectivity and affordability among IPL machines in the market. This IPL machine is Health Canada approved and CSA-certified. The DermaLase IPL machine uses exact energy in a controlled system ensuring safety while delivering optimal results. The many benefits of using DermaLase are:

  • Removes pigmentations, age spots, “melasma” from various types of skin.
  • Removes vascular lesions (telangiectasia & hemangioma) and Rosacea.
  • Treats uneven skin tones and reduces deep wrinkles.

With the DermaLase IPL, you can be sure that Green Leaf Medi Spa has chosen a reputable medical-grade IPL to perform your treatments.


What treatments can IPL Photorejuvenation deliver?

IPL Photorejuvenation can be used to treat any area of the body, the most common of which are a face, neck, chest, and hands. These treatments improve the texture, clarity and overall appearance of your skin by resurfacing the skin. Concerns that can be addressed by photorejuvenation treatments include:

  • Static and dynamic wrinkles: These are wrinkles that are constantly visible as well as those that appear as folds when the skin isn’t moving, or that deepen with movement or expression.
  • Pigmentation: Freckles, sun spots, melasma, brown spots or other darkened patches of the skin resulting mainly from sun exposure.
  • Scars: As the result of acne or injury to the skin, scars may be rolling (a wavy appearance to the skin), pitted, discolored, or have raised borders.
  • Vascular conditions: Blood vessels visible on the surface of the skin, vascular lesions that appear as tiny blood filled blisters or even a constant flush of facial redness. These can be called broken capillaries or spider veins.
  • Loss of skin tone: the loss of collagen and elastin fibers that results in a loss of skin firmness, or on the body the development of cellulite.

How does IPL Photorejuvenation work?

Basically, IPL photorejuvenation is done by projecting a laser light onto the skin blemishes treated. The energy delivered causes the problematic cells to heat up and break down into substances that can then be absorbed and discarded via the bloodstream. The blemishes treated are mostly found on the skin’s surface, the “dermis”, but the laser energy also heats up sub-skin tissues (the “epidermis”). This causes increased collagen production that does wonders towards improving overall skin complexion.

How many treatments will I need for skin rejuvenation?

Depending on the number of conditions you are treating and the severity of the individual problem, a series of five or six treatment sessions may be recommended.

Are the treatments painful?

Most clients do not find the procedure painful due to the cooling system.

Pre & Post Treatment Protocols

To ensure your safety and the effectivity of the treatment, please observe these instructions prior to and after your IPL Photorejuvenation treatment:

Pre Laser Instruction

  • Clean the skin to remove perfumes, cosmetics, and sunscreens
  • No IPL while pregnant
  • No contraindicating medications

Post-Laser Instruction

  • Avoid direct sunlight on treated area
  • Always wear sunscreen on treated exposed areas (face, neck, etc.)
  • Patients should return in 3 weeks after treatment for additional treatment
  • If no further treatment is necessary, the patient should return for a re-examination in 2 months

Visit Green Leaf Medi Spa today to know more how IPL Photorejuvenation could be the treatment you have been looking for to solve your skin problems.

Schedule your appointment today
