Whether you’re a wax veteran or a wax virgin, we’re pretty sure you found yourself wondering, the Brazilian or the Hollywood? The difference lies in how much hair is eliminated in which part of your nether region. Here’s how to tell: Bikini A regular bikini wax is done by removing hair that grows outside of…
Category: General

Skin Care Product Ingredients You Should Be Aware Of
You are what you eat. With that in mind, many of us take extra care in the food we eat but are you aware that the same line couldn’t be any more relevant to personal skin care? As we meticulously read each and every label of food packaging before they are even added to our…
Why Women Love Biosmos Milano, Natural Cosmetics
The myriad of “natural and organic” beauty products in the market could be overwhelming, but to a woman with a discriminating taste, the choice is simple: it’s not just the ingredients, it’s the philosophy of the brand. It is little wonder that for over 30 years, one organic skin care company has remained a favorite…

Waxing VS Shaving
To WAX OR NOT TO WAX If it seems like you’re constantly shaving, you might be in the market for a better and longer-lasting way to get smooth, hair-free skin. Waxing may be an option, but some question how good this method is for your skin. Turns out waxing can be a pretty healthy process,…

Facials – why and when?
Winter is a difficult time for women`s beauty. Due to colder weather outside and increased heating in our homes skin gets dehydrated and you don`t look your best. However, there are ways to fix this. Even though for many women professional facials are a part of their usual beauty routine, many others first start doing…