Green Leaf Medi Spa

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Dermaplaning was first described in an article published in The Journal of Dermatological Surgery and Oncology in the 1970s as a possible treatment for acne vulgaris. Even though this treatment has been around for about 50 years it has recently become one of the most popular non-abrasive, non-ablative, low-risk skin treatments on the market.

What is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a procedure done by a skillful professional using a medical grade surgical scalpel performed with steady strokes removing and exfoliating dead skin, the fine vellus hair (‘peach fuzz’) giving your skin a healthy, silky-smooth glow as a result. It can be performed prior to facials, laser treatments, microdermabrasion, and chemical peels for better product penetration.

Why do I need Dermaplaning?

Besides wearing SPF daily, exfoliating is the other most important thing you can do for your skin. Our skin regenerates itself roughly every 28 days. In order to maintain a healthy glow we must exfoliate off the barrier of dead skin that has accumulated on the surface to uncover the new layer of cells to open the way for moisturizes to penetrate more deeply. It will also help makeup go on smoother and more evenly. We recommend making Dermaplaning part of your monthly skin care routine which should be done 1 to 2 times per month.

Is Dermaplaning the same as shaving?

Dermaplaning is much more than just shaving your face as the procedure involves using a small blade that not only shaves the baby hairs off your face but also removes the top layer of dead skin cells, improving your skin texture and tone.

Will Dermaplaning make my hair grow back thicker?

Dermaplaning will NOT make your hair grow back thicker or darker. Your hair will grow back exactly the same color and thickness as it was previously as the structure of your hair follicle will not change by simply shaving your hair off.

Does Dermaplaning hurt?

Dermaplaning is a totally pain-free treatment that feels relaxing, not painful. It feels similar to a cat lick. Our technicians use light feather strokes to remove the dead skin and peach fuzz. It is not abrasive or painful at all. It’s safe for all skin types, with the exception of those with acne. If you have a lot of acne, we suggest avoiding dermaplaning as it could cause cuts and spread bacteria.

Is there downtime after this procedure?

Dermaplaning is a low-risk procedure. There is no need to plan any downtime to recover from a Dermaplaning treatment. You may experience slight redness in your face in the hours after getting the treatment. Always wear an SPF following the treatment to protect your skin.

Does Dermaplaning shave off ‘peach fuzz’ hairs?

Unlike shaving, which can be done at home with a razor, Dermaplaning involves a dermatologist or medical esthetician carefully scraping your face with a surgical scalpel to remove hair, peach fuzz, and dead skin cells. Dermaplaning is a more thorough option to simply shaving your face.

Will it make my skin more sensitive to the sun?

Always finish with an SPF to protect the fresh layer of skin from the sun damage. Re-apply the sun protectant every few hours and stay out of direct sunlight for a day or two after any exfoliation treatment to avoid harmful UV rays.

Does Dermaplaning remove fine wrinkles?

The Dermaplaning procedure aims to remove fine wrinkles and deep acne scarring, making your skin’s surface look smooth. Wrinkles become more prominent, and more pronounced, as the skin cells age, becoming dull and dark. Dermaplaning removes dead skin cells, and the villus hair (‘peach fuzz’) so that any lines and wrinkles will be instantly less noticeable, or even removed altogether.

Should I try it at home?

We would not recommend Dermaplaning at home since the procedure requires using a sharp scalpel blade best performed by an experienced practitioner who has been properly trained.

We are excited to now offer this procedure at Green Leaf Media Spa. Please give us a call at (604) 500-0733 to book an appointment and find out about our monthly specials.

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